BOB UnleasheD is one of the best free add-ons available on Kodi and allows you to watch/stream an absolutely huge amount of movies, music, sport, documentaries and more.
The addon is fast, reliable, works great on Android devices such as the Amazon Fire TV Stick and you should always be able to find a quick and high quality stream using this.
The streams in this plugin never buffer or lag even if you don’t have the fastest internet.
The addon is always kept updated with new content and bug fixes so you shouldn’t experience any issues at all!
To install the BOB UnleasheD Addon please follow these steps:
- Open Kodi 17.6 Krypton
- Select SYSTEM > File Manager
- Select Add Source
- Select None
- Type the following EXACTLY
- Select Done after entering the URL
- Highlight the box underneath Enter a name for this media Source and select it
- Give it a name you will remember e.g. BOB
- Select OK
- Go back to your Home Screen
- Select SYSTEM
- Select Add-Ons
- Select Install from zip file
- Select the source you created earlier e.g. BOB
- Select the file called “noobsandnerds Repo (2.3.0).zip”
- Wait for Add-on enabled notification to appear
- Select Install from repository
- Select the Noobsandnerds Repository
- Select Video Add-Ons
- Select BoB Unleashed
- Select Install
- Wait for Add-on enabled notification to appear
That’s it!
After following these steps the BOB UnleasheD addon should now be installed.
This addon can now be accessed and opened in Kodi by going to VIDEOS > Add-Ons > BOB UnleasheD from your home screen.
We also recommend a fast, secure and unlimited VPN which you can get by clicking below, this will protect your privacy and give you the fastest Kodi speeds with no buffering:
If you have any questions regarding this addon please comment them below and I will try my best to help!